Friday night we went out and celebrated Shannon's 18th birthday. Yes, you heard me correct...she's 18. I can hardly believe it myself. It was so much fun. It was the first time ever that I have gotten to go to a bar with my sister and it was a night to remember. We danced all night long. We were at a country and western bar so there was a lot of two-steppin' but we were able to shake what our mama gave us a little! Shan has mad skillz for a white girl! Seriously!
JD had a blast as well. Friday night his "girlfriend" Paige babysat. She's a dear family friend and JD is CRAZY about her! He ran downstairs Saturday morning hollering, "Paige...Paige...Paige where are you?!" We didn't leave until MacKenzie was in bed so she knew nothing of mama being gone. I guess her radar was off!
Saturday night Jimmy and I had a wedding to attend. Two nights in a row we went out, we are crazy like that. The kids went to FuFu and Sammy's house. And again, were in heaven. JD got to ride all over the neighborhood on the Rhino, which made his day! Jimmy and I had a blast at the wedding and sooo enjoyed catching up with good friends. It's always wonderful to get together with friends from high school, some from longer ago than that. It's a bittersweet reminder of how ridiculous it is we let so much time go by between visits.
Today we spent time together as a family. I literally spent all day soaking up every single minute with my precious kiddos. MacKenzie was in the best mood ever (literally, ever) and I drank it in!! JD and I snuggled on the chair every minute Kenzie napped (which wasn't long for some odd reason. I think she was just too happy to sleep). We kept calling each other "Snuggle Bugs". I literally loved every second of it and wish it would have lasted longer!! MacKenzie hit another milestone today (she really is the over-achiever in the family), she waved bye-bye for the first time. I had thought a couple of days ago that maybe she was but figured it was just a coincidence. And then this evening we were playing on the bed and I started waving and saying bye bye, and sure enough, she started waving right back at me with a huge ear-to-ear grin. It was priceless.
I really have to go to sleep b/c we have a very busy week before leaving town on Wednesday, but I have to share an absolutely hilarious story!!
Jimmy got JD down around 9:00 tonight and were hanging out, just spending some time together when Jimmy thought he heard JD. We didn't immediately jump up but after another 5 minutes or so we heard him again and Jimmy went to check. The next thing I hear is Jimmy cracking up laughing and they walk in together.
First let me explain that JD went to bed in a t-shirt and underwear. No pajama bottoms, just his "turtle" shirt and his Mickey Mouse undies. This is what he walked in (at 9:45 p.m.) wearing...

...his turtle shirt and what appears to be his firetruck pajama pants with his blue & yellow striped shorts over them...

...Jimmy removed the blue and yellow shorts and under those were a pair of green Mickey Mouse shorts...

...down Mickey Mouse, hello surfboards...

...yes, those are white shorts with surfboards all over them...

...and under those were the firetruck pajamas.
So Jimmy takes off the firetruck pajamas and....

...wait, there's we see the lighting McQueen shorts with his dinosaur pants under those...

...down Lighting McQueen and off with the dinosaur pants...

...finally, some underwear!
So in all, the child had on 1 pair of underwear, 2 pairs of pajama pants, and 4 pairs of shorts! Y' save we laughed is putting it mildly. Jimmy could barely get the pants down we were laughing so hard and I was snapping pictures left and right!! It was hi-lar-ious! The perfect ending to a wonderful day!!
LOL i cannot stop laughing. i have even showed some of my coworkers! what a cutie. it was GREAT seeing you saturday night :) i'm serious about the lakehouse, that would be an absolute blast...
Frankie and I are LAUGHING!!! knowing all to well that our time will come ;-)
Wow little JD is on opposite ends of the spectrum, last I heard he couldn't keep the clothes on and now he's dressing for the ski slopes. He sure is an entertainer! Love it!!!!!
That is seriously hillarious. I love it! Thanks for sharing and the photo recap of the event...precious!
He is so darling! That is too funny!
oh wow ure son will be hot x
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