Monday, October 09, 2006

A FuN WeEk!!

We had a very good week with JD!! We did a lot of things and he had a blast! I thought I'd share a few photos!

These are of JD after bath time!
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Here are a few of JD at Beyond Bounce. This is a gym-like place with several activites for infants on up! He loves it here!
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JD loves his legos, and not because he likes to play with the blocks!
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He LOVES his bear, dog and blanket!

Friday Jimmy and I took JD to Chucky Cheese for lunch! It was his first time and he said, "Wow" when we walked in.
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JD's talking to Chucky!
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Sunday, Shannon, Nicole, and I took JD to the zoo. The weather was GORGEOUS and we had such a good time. He really enjoyed seeing all the animals! HIs favorite was the water area and the popsicle he got at the end of the day!
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JD and Aunt Shannon
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JD in a Bald Eagles nest - pointing to his "bo bo"
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Shannon and JD in a prairie dog hole
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JD brushing the Goat
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JD and his popsicle
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JD in the tree!
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Mama and JD
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Messy Boy!
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Hope you enjoyed!

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